ATT. Şerife Deniz ORAL

Şerife Deniz Oral is the founder of ORAL&ORAL Law Partnership. She completed her legal education in Turkey in 1974, and immediately after she completed her German Language training in Austro-American Society in Austria, she turned back the homeland.
She has worked for Marshall Oil Company which is an international paint company and Marshall Paints and Varnishes Inc. actually for 8 years in total, 1 year of which was at Finance Department and 7 years at Legal Department. In order to practice her profession independently, she has founded ORAL LAW FIRM in 1985, then this firm has become ORAL&ORAL Law Partnership with the participation of Adv. Murat Kaan ORAL in 2009.
Adv. Şerife Deniz Oral, who has currently continued her career freelance for 20 years, is the founder and sole responsible authority of our firm. With over 40 years of advocacy experience, she has a good command of all expertise areas of our firm. All of the ongoing operations performed under our firm have been carried out under her control and supervision in person.
Education Istanbul University, Law School, Bachelor's Degree, 1974 |
Registered Bar Association Istanbul Bar Associatio |
Foreign Language German |
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